Notes after Seawork
Once again, we came back home after a busy and fruitful exhibition. There is a lot to do for the new customers and this makes us extremely happy.
Mayflower Park hosted the exhibition for 3 days under the perfect sun. There were more vessels at the marina than previous year. It was a unique experience to feel the breeze and meet people on their vessels. This is one of the best part of Seawork.
On our second attendance, our meetings were more fruitful than last year. We met many promising clients from offshore wind and CTV business. Most of them already knew us and we are discussing new deals. This shows that we progressed a lot since last year.
Apart from new clients, we encountered with some companies that we can unite our forces to offer better solutions in the market. It seems that we can fill each other’s gaps. In this sense, we held talks with these companies and asked our clients’ feedback. We saw that there is such a demand from the market. Possible partnerships might lead to myriad opportunities for expanding our business in many ways.
We didn’t forget that the best way to meet seamen is joining them at Guinness pub. There were also long queues in front of handmade sausage kiosk. On 4th of July, cardboard regatta was super entertaining. Brave colleagues from various companies competed with their specially designed cardboards. Unfortunately, some of them couldn’t escape from overturning or sinking despite of their great design. Marfle team will join next year’s competition and we already started designing our cardboard.