Marfle grows in Denmark
We are proud to announce that leading offshore services provider, MH-O & Co, preferred Marfle Fleet Analytics on their crew transfer vessel OOC Nerz. This new deal is the first step of Marfle’s growth in Danish offshore wind energy market and we have a strong presence in Denmark.
After using Marfle Fleet Analytics for one month, Dan emphasizes the importance of alerts provided by the system. Dan receives notifications on his mobile in real-time regarding undesired situations like high-speed navigation, cold starts or possible engine problems. He is also quite impressed with representation of engine data and benefits of the system for predicting possible problems. We are also modifying the system with respect to MH-O's requirements.
Dan also added that MH-O gives special importance to our partnership considering positive reactions from their clients. According to him, investing in analytics and advanced monitoring solutions is a must to provide a better service and meet requirements of important clients like Ørsted.
We are also happy to say that this partnership will spawn innovation in CTV market. Marfle is currently developing a motion monitoring system in accordance with MH-O’s feedback. Dan says there are still many unsolved issues with motion monitoring systems and current solutions in the market are hardly answering them. In this sense, Marfle will bring its expertise to the field. Our motion monitoring system will be ready soon.