Major deal awarded to Marfle
We are proud to annouce that we have made contract with Finnish pilotage company Finnpilot Pilotage for Marfle Fleet Analytics for 31 pilot boats. Installations are in progress and will be ready at end of November. Deal value is total 230 000 €.
Finnpilot CEO Kari Kosonen and Marfle CEO Joose Viljanen.
Check also Finnpilot's Transport Director Aki Marjasvaara's Tweet about contract.
Real value found about Marfle Analytics during trial period
Finnpilot started with a trial for 4 pilot boats on 2016. This spring we found a trend showing decline in turbo pressures on one pilot boat. Customer was notified and turbos were repaired before they broke down. This finding was probably the most convincing for Finnpilot about value of our analytics and a prime example of the power of predictive maintenance.